Let Know About ‘Antibiotics’

Let Know About ‘Antibiotics’

Antibiotics are substances produced primarily by certain harmless micro- organisms that are injurious to the growth and activity of various pathogenic bacteria. Although known to occur previously, antibiotics were not considered of importance until 1939. Since then, extensive investigations have been carried on and a considerable number have been isolated and their therapeutic action studied. Molds, actinomycetes and bacteria are the chief sources, although antibiotics are also present in higher plants.

List of some important Antibiotics:-
1. Penicillin.
2. Neomycin.
3. Terramycin.
4. Aureomycin.
5. Chloromycetin.
6. Streptomycin.

It is the best known Antibiotic. It was discovered by chance in 1929. Re- examined in 1937, it shortly proved to be extremely valuable in combating staphylococcus, streptococcus and gas gangrene infections. It is obtained chiefly from “Penicillium notatum, a blue-green mold occurring in floccose masses with a white margin. When grown on gelatine, the mycelium excretes penicillin into the substratum, which becomes liquid. The Crude penicillin is recovered purified and dehydrated. It is an organic acid and readily forms salts and esters. Superior strains which yield greater quantities of the drug have been developed.

Other species of Penicillium, especially P. Chrysogonum, also furnish the antibiotic. Penicillin is highly selective in its action and is effective against, gram- positive bacteria. It is valuable because of its lack of toxicity; it is particularly useful in the treatment of bacterial endocarditis, mastoiditis, gonorrhoea, local infections and certain types of pneumonia.

An organism resembling Streptomyces Fradiae, isolated from soil in 1949, is the source of neomycin. This antibiotic has a complex composition and a wide range of experimental uses. It may prove to be most effective in the treatment of tuberculosis.

This antibiotic is secreted by Streptomyces rimosus, isolated from a piece of Indians dirt after an exhaustive search involving scores of thousands of soil samples. It is valuable in treating common forms of pneumonia, typhoid fever, streptocoecic and many intestinal and urinary tract infections. It is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Rickettsiae and large viruses. Although little different in its therapeutic action from the other antibiotics, it will be valuable as an extra weapon of defense.

It is produced by Streptomyces aureofaciens, which was isolated in 1948 from ordinary soils. It is more versatile than penicillin or streptomycin, attacking not only gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria, but also the Rickettsiae, which had previously been immune to chemical attack. It is used to combat forms of virus pneumonia, undulant fever, osteomyelitis, whooping cough and eye infections and in cases where a patient has developed a resistance to the other antibiotics or to sulphur drugs. Recently, aureomycin has been found to be one of the greatest growth – producing substances yet to be discovered.

This antibiotic is a pure crystalline substance produced by streptomyces venezuelae, which was isolated in 1948 after a search involving the study of thousands of soil samples from all over the world. It is the only antibiotic which has also been produced synthetically. Chloromycetin, like aureomycin is effective against the Rickettsiae. It is useful in the treatment of Undulant fever, bacillary urinary infections, primary Atypical pneumonia, Typhoid fever, Typhus fever, Scrub typhus, Parrot fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

This antibiotic comes from Streptomyces griseus, isolated in 1944 after testing soils from all over the world. The organism is one of the actinomycetes and is grown in deep submerged cultures. Streptomycin is particularly effective against gram-negative bacteria and is used in the treatment of tularaemia, empyema, urinary and local infections and some forms of tuberculosis, meningitis, peritonitis and pneumonia.

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